Diane Birch
Diane Birch于1983年1月24日出生于美国的密歇根州。Diane的童年是在南非的津巴布韦和澳大利亚的悉尼度过的。他的父亲是位基督复临安息日会的传道者,常将家人一并带去他工作的地方生活。她的童年生活不仅只是收获了护照上一排排的邮戳, 还有这些难得的经历。Diane十岁的时候,Birch一家回到了美国,并在Oregon州的Portland定居。 但这时候的她很难 更多
Diane Birch-女1983-01-24美国Michigan水瓶座 -
Diane Birch于1983年1月24日出生于美国的密歇根州。Diane的童年是在南非的津巴布韦和澳大利亚的悉尼度过的。他的父亲是位基督复临安息日会的传道者,常将家人一并带去他工作的地方生活。她的童年生活不仅只是收获了护照上一排排的邮戳, 还有这些难得的经历。Diane十岁的时候,Birch一家回到了美国,并在Oregon州的Portland定居。 但这时候的她很难融入社会中, 她是虔诚的基督徒, 她幻想自己生活在18世纪, 她听歌只听古典音乐和歌剧, 当然, 还有赞美诗。 幸好居住的社区也算是基督教区, 所以多少还能与邻居沟通一下。
Diane Birch made her studio debut with 2009's Bible Belt, a combination of singer/songwriter soul and soft, '70s-era pop in the vein of Carole King, Laura Nyro, and Elton John. Although born in Michigan, Birch traveled the globe as a child, bouncing between Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, and Oregon with her preacher father. Her musical influences proved to be as diverse as her upbringing, and the Suzuki-trained pianist eventually moved to Los Angeles, where she began distilling her love for Motown, blues, and old-fashioned pop into a uniquely retro sound. After briefly honing her chops in England, Birch returned to America and signed with S-Curve Records. Bible Belt, with featured cameos from members of Galactic, the Roots, and the Jive Five, was released in May 2009.
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